Monday, January 27

February Cam Schedule and prizes

This month I've been online randomly l sorry guys. 
I made myself a schedule for the following month. So here is the first week of February. This month is about incentives, incentives, incentives!

want my goal for the month to be 40,000 tokens
Help me get at minimum 1740 tokens a night.

My high tippers will be rewarded with videos, posters and more!!
Everyone who tips will receive a raffle ticket for each tip for weekly prize draws!!!! 

Highest tipper of the month is going to receive a special gift box sent to them. Seeing as it's the month of valentines day I will send the monthly high tipper a box full of my fave candies/valentines chocolate, a thank you card, all my videos, a signed poster and my phone number :) 

Let's do it!!!! RAWRR!! Lol
You guys will also be helping me get my cam score up. Better cam score = more viewers + better shows + more explicitly naked Tori ;)