Wednesday, July 17


My birthday Is Tomorrow!!

Tomorrow July 18th is my 21st birthday! Send me some love :) to send me an amazon gift card to

Or send me an offline tip on MFC here :)

Thanks guys! help me have an awesome birthday while I'm in school -_- lol

Tuesday, July 16


THE WONDERFUL COOKIE AKA Oreo9 bought me the awesomest lighting set ever and I'm super excited I think I almost peed my pants lmao
I definitely screamed when I opened it and smiled until my face fell off when I saw the note he wrote:)

I will post pictures later. I had to run around all day doing errands and things for school so right now I am exhausted and hungry and hot. I need to get some food in my belly and then do a quick workout. I think tonight I will create some new content now that I have the proper lighting to do so 

AHHHHHHHHHHH *happy dance*

Thank you oreo <3

Sunday, July 14

It's almost my birthday !!

Hey guys! My birthday is in four days and these are the top five items I would really love for my bday! Spoil me and get spoiled in return

Saturday, July 13

Here's just a few pics!

Been getting tinier as the days go on. Changed how I've been eating and my workout routine. 

Wednesday, July 10

OMG so full!

I didn't know what to make so I threw some things together. When I do this things always turn out great lmao 

This was so delicious. I'm stuffed. I'm totally obsessed with that salad. So simple and so delicious!
Then I'm going to have this for dessert. 
Ugh but I must go back to working on my project. This is driving me nuts. 

See you guys later!! 

Sloan xoxox 

Uggggh! Sorry guys!

Bahhhhhhh! :(
I have too much shit to do. My assignments due tomorrow so I won't be able to make it online. If I can finish it early then I will tweet and let you guys know when I'm going on 


Tuesday, July 9

Hey guys! :) ... Ugh this didnt post :( (July 7th)

Last nights cam show went alright! My lovely Bart tipped most of the show and we went to private for a one on one encounter ;) 

Got to use the pussy puncher as I like to call it. Lmao oh man this thing is dangerous
Poor pussy :( lol 
But at least I rewarded myself with some weed and some Asian dumplings for dinner and my new favourite snack of fresh strawberries, almonds and vanilla yoghurt. Sooooo good you must have it! Reminds me of when I was a little kid and would have strawberries with ice cream 

For today or at least for the rest of the night I'm going to get ready to cam maybe smoke a little weed :) 
Cam show tonight will probably be a leather couch squirt show ;) yay

Don't forget to tip your model.. Aka me lol  and don't forget about my big birthday spenders:
Tip 1414 or send 100$ through amazon gift card on my wishlist and receive and exclusive video and your name listed on my profile 

Cooking a big delicious dinner tonight!

Yay for me! Day two of being healthy and eating well. I do one hour of cardio three times a day and kickboxing three times a day for 20mins 

PHEW! Lol no rest for me :p

Here's what's on the menu tonight:

Jealous yet?! Lol

It's almost my birthday, yay!!!!

I'm turning 21 in 9 days guys! I'm super excited lol I can finally drink everywhere boo yah lol

Help me celebrate with some generous presents this year 

Send me a gift card from gift rocket for any amount! Send the card to: 
Here is the link to follow 

Or my amazon wishlist : 


Sloan xoxox  

Thursday, July 4

Tuesday, July 2


This is how class made me feel today. 
I swear this was the longer class of all time. My teacher apparently had never heard of the word break. You know I need a break so y hand doesn't fall off. I need a break to use the bathroom before you continue rambling on -___- ugh!!!

Have to finish my assignment by Thursday but yay tomorrow I get to cam! Fucking finally