Tuesday, June 25

It's gettin hot in here, so hot! I took off all my clothes

Today was so mother fucking hot!! Oh man. Had an appointment today that unfortunately ran late but I was still able to get to the gym!

CARDIO DAY!!! 20 mins treadmill, 20 mins elliptical, 20 mins bike. 


Sweaty yum yum lmao
Anyways after all that fun stuff I had to go to school which was the worst three hours of my life. My teacher doesn't know how to be a teacher. How exciting. Lol
Now I'm trying to stay cool in this super hot apartment and its my roommates birthday waiting for him to come home to pudding and an awesome birthday card with awesome drawings on the envelope lol 
Don't get mad Americans its an inside joke.... MURICA!

So that was my day. Man I need AC :( Help a girl out lol http://tinyurl.com/coruhvz to submit.to.sloanxxx@gmail.com

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